17.2.2016, Yugoslav Drama Theatre Belgrad (Serbien)
What happened to Elfriede Jelinek in Belgrade -
The Open Discussion
veranstaltet vom Yugoslav Drama Theatre Belgrad in Kooperation mit der Forschungsplattform Elfriede Jelinek: Texte - Kontexte - Rezeption und KulturKontakt Belgrad
Jelinek is one of the most significant authors of our time, uncompromising critic of society/societies. The dialogue that we will engage (in) is intended for the theatregoers who have seen the play, as well as for all potential participants interested in the Jelinek phenomenon.
Guest-experts in the Jelinek field, namely Prof. Dr Hilde Haider, Mag. Verena Humer (Elfriede Jelinek-Forschungszentrum) will be joined by authors and collaborators of Yugoslav Drama Theatre production: translators Dr Jelena Kostić Tomović, Bojana Denić, dramaturge Periša Perišić and director Snežana Trišić. Together they will foster the recognition of Elfriede Jelinek's work in a form of an open dialogue with the audience. Such a discussion will cover the reception of Jelinek’s work by engaging different topics: staging and translating Jelinek – traps and challenges; gender and politics; transmedial elements, etc. Moderator: Mag. Jelena Kovačević.
The programme is supported by Kulturforum Belgrade.

Texte - Kontexte - Reflexion
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